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Pirate Wires | Technology, Politics, Culture

Windsurf Editor by Codeium
Tomorrow's editor, today. Windsurf Editor is the first AI agent-powered IDE that keeps developers in the flow. Available today on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Ultracite | Hayden Bleasel
A robust linting preset for modern TypeScript apps.
Top Books By Month | Hacker News Books
Top books for past years on Hacker News
Can't change the status of "FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD" users · Issue #1340 · aws-amplify/amplify-js
I'm developing a React app, and implementing the authentication with AWS Amplify and Cognito. I'm not using the withAuthenticator HOC because of a custom sign-in page. I sign up users as an adminis...
This is exactly how to make your first video:
— Colin Landforce 🛠 (@landforce)

Eloquent JavaScript
Launch HN: Greptile (YC W24) - RAG on codebases that actually works | Hacker News

Requests for Startups | Y Combinator
An outline of some of the ideas we're interested in seeing

It Can Be Done
A story about quality from the development of the Multics operating system.
Launch HN: AgentHub (YC W24) – A no-code automation platform | Hacker News

Learn to build startups the indie way
The Need to Read
Life is Short
How to Do Great Work

React components and hooks library with native dark theme support and focus on usability, accessibility and developer experience

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Found, the banking and tax app created with small-business owners, freelancers, and the self-employed in mind. No account fees, no monthly minimums, and no credit checks.

The Truth about Work-Life Balance
Balance doesn't mean what you think it does.