Patrick Star is mayonaise an instrument meme

Hello, world

I’m not really a writer

But maybe I’ll get better at it

So honestly, I’m not a big writer. I don’t have coherent, well thought out opinions on all things software just flowing out of my brain at all times. And moreover, having a 1 and a half year old at home, along with plenty of other hobbies, finding time to write often isn’t high on my priority list.

My opinions are mostly recycled and regurgitated from other devs much smarter than me; folks like Sarah Drasner, Shawn (@Swyx) Wang , Chris Coyier, the list goes on and on.

But behind every joke or meme is a little nugget of truth. Maybe it’s a legitimate grievance with some piece of software or tooling. Maybe it’s a shortcoming of my own that I need to lean into in order to grow.

But regardless, there’s probably something more I could expand on, such as why this thing might be painful, or *I attempted to solve this and here’s what I learned,* or maybe in rare cases, something I feel I have some expertise to share with the world, and I can use this as a vehicle for organizing that information in my head.

Trying to be authentic in today’s content environment

'It’s groundhog day again' joke from Groundhog Day Film. Joking about how frontend devs only ever build blog sites. And here I am building a new blog site 😅

As I said, my brain works in jokes or media references. Constantly. Probably to a fault when I share these in my work slack and people probably just react with a 😐

But since I don’t want to be following the whole recycled twitter content grift that Is all too prevalent, this feels like the best way to write about topics I can speak to while not just shilling for engagement.

See below for an example:

Recycled twitter content from July that people post just to build engagement

Exporting all of my thoughts

With that said, I’m halfway excited as I’ve been writing this to feel like I have some ways to outlet the rumblings of my brain into something more structured. And maybe even build some things I probably wouldn’t have done otherwise.

I’d you’ve read this far, cheers and hopefully you enjoy some of the upcoming work! See you in the next one 🍻